Monday, 19 December 2011

GK Tips 4 (Science)

1.The period of oscillation of a pendulum of a clock depends upon the :-
    Length of the pendulum
2.Who was the inventor of stainless steel ?
  Harry Brearley
3.What drug does Tobacco contain ?
4.What does Talcum powder consists of ?
    Hydrated Magnesium Silicate
5.One of the constituents of Gobar gas  ? 
6.Which gland is known as 'the gland of emergency' ?
    Adrenal gland
7.The largest flower in the world is __ ?
8.Which bone is the smallest in the human body ?
9.Which is the hormone helps to ripen the fruits ?
10.The colouring substance present in bile is __ ?

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