Tuesday, 27 March 2012

GK Tips 9 (Science - Astronomy)

1.The study of heavenly bodies is called :-
2.The study of Universe is called :-
3.Name the only star of our solar system ?
4.Name the nearest star to  the sun ?
5.Name the brightest star in the universe ?
6.Who was the author of the solar theory ?
7.Who was the author of planetary motion theory ?

Johannes Kepler

8.The movement of the planet on its axis is called :-
9.Name the movement of a planet around the sun is called :- 
10.Name the most abundant element in the sun ?

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission , Union Public Service Commission , CDS, NDA,RRB,BPO. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC,UPSC Examinations.
Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, , General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams,

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)

Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS)
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is providing grant to State Govts. under the Special Area Programme of ‘Grant under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India’ for establishment of Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS).  The objective of EMRS is to provide quality education to Scheduled Tribe students from Class VI to Class XII to enable them to avail of the facility of the reservation in higher and professional educational courses as well as in higher levels of job in Government and public sector undertakings.   So far, 150 EMRS have been sanctioned to various States out of which 92 are functional.

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission , Union Public Service Commission , CDS, NDA,RRB,BPO. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC,UPSC Examinations.
Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, , General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams,

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

National Knowledge Network (NKN)

National Knowledge Network (NKN)

The Government’s decision to set up National Knowledge Network was announced in the Budget Speech of Union Budget for 2008-09. In March 2010 the Government approved the establishment of the National Knowledge Network (NKN) over a period of 10 years. The objective of the National Knowledge Network is to interconnect institutions of higher learning with a high speed data communication network. Network will consist of an ultra-high speed Core (multiples of 10Gbps and upwards), and over 1500 nodes. It is scalable to higher speed and more nodes also. The Core shall be complemented with a distribution layer at appropriate speeds. The participating institutions can directly or through distribution layer connect to the NKN at speeds of 100 Mbps /1 Gbps. The application areas envisaged under the NKN cover: Agriculture, Education, Health, e-governance, Grid Computing (High Performance Computing). As on 30th November, 2011, a total of 450 Institutions are connected to NKN, and 43 virtual classrooms have been setup.

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations (KPSC), Union Public ServiceCommission Examinations (UPSC),Other State Civil Services Examinations , Combined Defence Services Examinations(CDS), National Defence Academy Examinations (NDA), Railway Recruitment Board Examinations (RRB), Bank Probationary Officers Examinations (BPO) and other competitive examinations. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC Examinations.


Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, Malayalam PSC Questions, General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams, 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

India Post > Project Arrow > E-VPP >eMO

India Post

Department of Posts has the largest postal network in the world.  It provides postal facilities within reach of every citizen in the country through its vast network at affordable prices. During the long journey from 1857 onward, India Post network has expanded from 23,344 post offices to 1,55,035 post offices as on 31.3.2008. Of these 1,39,173 Post Offices are in rural areas and 15,862 Post Offices in urban areas with an average post office serving 7,174 people and covering an area of approximately 21.2 sq. kms

E-VPP (Electronic Value Payable Parcels)

E-VPP is a service made available in 1,100 post offices; herein the value of payable panel is updated and sent to the sender online by recipient, avoiding the time lag to enable him to make payment through e-payment system of the department.

eMoney Order (eMO)  

  The electronic money order, which has been launched in October 2008, facilitates transmission of ordinary money orders through electronic media. India Post has also signed bilateral agreement for exchange of electronic international money order service with Emirates posts, UAE

Project Arrow

The Postal Department initiated Project Arrow in April, 2008.  The project envisages up gradation of Post Offices in urban and rural areas both in terms of upgrading and enhancing the quality of service.The Prime Minister’s Award for excellence in Public Administration was received for Project Arrow-Transforming India Post-2008.

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations (KPSC), Union Public ServiceCommission Examinations (UPSC),Other State Civil Services Examinations , Combined Defence Services Examinations(CDS), National Defence Academy Examinations (NDA), Railway Recruitment Board Examinations (RRB), Bank Probationary Officers Examinations (BPO) and other competitive examinations. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC Examinations.


Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, Malayalam PSC Questions, General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams, 

Sunday, 22 January 2012

GK Tips 8 (Science)

 1.The direction of trade winds in the northern hemisphere ?
3.When sodium vapor lamp burns ___ light is emitted?
4.Sodium is kept in ___ liquid ?
5.The reaction in a torch cell is ____ ?
Electro Chemical
6.The dangerous gas emitted when motor vehicles run ?
7.The astronaut who landed in the Moon for first time ?
8.Viruses are grow only in ____ ?
Living Cells
9.The element that is known with its symbol of 'Hg' is ____ ?
10.Diabetic patients will be given tablet _____ ?

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations (KPSC), Union Public ServiceCommission Examinations (UPSC),Other State Civil Services Examinations , Combined Defence Services Examinations(CDS), National Defence Academy Examinations (NDA), Railway Recruitment Board Examinations (RRB), Bank Probationary Officers Examinations (BPO) and other competitive examinations. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC Examinations.


Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, Malayalam PSC Questions, General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams, 

Friday, 30 December 2011

National Informatics Centre (NIC)

National Informatics Centre (NIC) is the premier S&T organization under the aegis of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and IT. It is the principal e-Governance solution provider, established in 1976 .It has implemented several e-Governance applications and services in addition to strengthening the computing and data communication infrastructure in the country.  NIC is also facilitating the hosting of more than 7000 websites/portals of various Government Departments.

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations (KPSC), Union Public ServiceCommission Examinations (UPSC),Other State Civil Services Examinations , Combined Defence Services Examinations(CDS), National Defence Academy Examinations (NDA), Railway Recruitment Board Examinations (RRB), Bank Probationary Officers Examinations (BPO) and other competitive examinations. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC Examinations.


Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, Malayalam PSC Questions, General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams, 

Thursday, 29 December 2011

GK Tips -6 Bhartendu Harishchandra Award

The Bhartendu Harishchandra Awards are given to published or unpublished books in four categories- Journalism and Mass Communication, Women’s Issues, Children’s Literature and National Integration. The awards were instituted in 1983 to encourage original Hindi writings on topics related to journalism and mass communication. Awards for writings on women’s  issues, children’s literature and national integration were included in from 1992-93. The Awards scheme is coordinated by Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

For 2009, the first prize in the Journalism and Mass Communication category was awarded to Shri Dilip Chandra Mandal for his manuscript ‘Corporate, Loktantra aur Paid News’. Ms. Kumud Sharma’s book ‘Samachar Bazar ki Naitikta’ has been chosen for the second prize in this category. The third prize went jointly to Shri Shivananda Kamde for his book ‘Cartoon Patrakarita’ and Dr. Akela Bhai for his book ‘Radio Sahitya aur Patrakarita’. In the Women’s Issues category, the first prize for 2009 was given to Smt. Lata Kot for her manuscript ‘Adha Asmaan Hamara’. Dr. Seena Rani’s manuscript ‘Nari ki Samasyayen aur Samadhan’ was awarded the second prize in this category. The first prize in Children’s Literature category for the same year was given to Shri Ghamandi Lal Agrawal for his book ‘Geet Gyan Vigyan Ke’ and the second prize to Ms. Renu Saini for her manuscript ‘Bachpan ka Safar’.
For 2010 the second prize in Journalism and Mass Communication category was awarded to Shri Pranjal Dhar’s manuscript ‘Samkaleen Vaishwik Patrakarita Mei Akhbaar’. In Women’s Issues category in 2010, Dr. Suman Rai’s book ‘Gharelu Hinsa mein Mahila Sanrakshan Adhiniyam 2005, 2006’ was selected for the first prize while Ms. Pramila KP’s book ‘Stree: Yonikta banaam Adhyatmikta’ was selected for the second prize. In Children’s Literature category Shri Sanjeev Jaiswal Sanjay’s book Dooba Hua Qila and the book ‘Cycle Par Thaa Kavva’ by Shri Prabhat received the second prize. In the National Integration category for the year 2010 Dr. Shiv Kumar Rai’s manuscript Meri Jati Bhartiya has been selected for the first prize.
Award money for Journalism and Mass Communication, the first prize carries an award of Rs.75,000 , the second prize  Rs.50,000 and the third Rs.40,000.
Award money for books in category of Women’s Issues, Children’s Literature and National Integration, the first prize carries an award of Rs.40,000  and the second prize Rs.20,000

Accurate, well researched and examination oriented, this blog will help you master General Knowledge for various competitive examinations like Kerala Public Service Commission Examinations (KPSC), Union Public ServiceCommission Examinations (UPSC),Other State Civil Services Examinations , Combined Defence Services Examinations(CDS), National Defence Academy Examinations (NDA), Railway Recruitment Board Examinations (RRB), Bank Probationary Officers Examinations (BPO) and other competitive examinations. This Blog will help you to get your dream job in life. This is an Exclusive blog for Kerala PSC Exam Preperation.Here you find hundreds of solved questions of various PSC Examinations.


Deputy collector, Reserve Conductor (KSRTC), Lower Division Clerk, BDO, Panchayat Secretary, Sub Inspector, Secretariate Assistant ,Lab Assistant , Junior Assistant ,LDC, Assistant Grade II,Cashier,L.D Typist,Driver Grade I/Driver(HDV), L.D.C, High School Assistant (Malayalam) ,Police Constable in Police (India Reserve Battalion Regular Wing) ,Field Officer in Animal Husbandry , Attender, Fireman (Trainee)in Fire and Rescue Services , Reserve Watcher/Depot Watcher etc in Forest, ICDS- Supervisor (From General Category )in Social Welfare ,Junior Steno Typist , Lascar , L.D.Clerk PSC Previous Question Papers, PSC old Question Papers. KSFE/KSEB/KMML ,KSRTC,Kerala Livestock Development Board,Various Govt. Owned Companies/Corporations/Board etc .HSS Lab Assistant Exam
This an exclusive site for Kerala PSC Exam Preparation . This blog includes various types of PSC Previous, Old questions with answers, Malayalam PSC Questions, General Knowledge, IBPS- CWE Bank Test Model Questions, Model, Sample question papers and answers of various PSC exams,